
Friday, January 12, 2007

The First Emperor

Tomorrow's the HD broadcast of The First Emperor. I am debating whether to go or not. On one hand, it's a turkey the reviews have all been negative. On the other, $18 is a lot cheaper than flying to NYC to see it.


  1. Actually, I've heard some positive things from people who have seen it -- not glowing positive, more on the weak side, but still it might be worth checking out.

  2. I went to the telecast, and, ah, WOOF.

    More to come tomorrow.

  3. I saw it in the house last Tuesday and found it more interesting than the critics granted it. I do feel it could use some revision, but it has a brave sound all its ow--and I insist my composers have a distinctive sound world.

    No matter what anyone else (perhaps especially critics, all of whom have axes to grind) says about a piece, I feel you have to see it for yourself in order to honestly express an opinion.

  4. I saw the telecast, which, since I'm in the Bay Area, is the closest I'm going to get. I've got a long posting about it in progress. There is a lot to say.

    I think, Will, that you are misrepresenting what the critics have said. Nobody found it uninteresting and I think everybody called out what they liked. (I certainly will be doing that.)

    Also, what do you mean by "all critics have axes to grind"?


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