
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mystery Violist

My friend Mike and I saw the Mahler 7th at the San Francisco Symphony last night (more about that in another posting). Playing the solos very well indeed and sitting where we'd expect the principal violist to sit was a violist we'd never seen before. She wasn't listed in the program, either.

I asked him about her between movements and then said "I wonder if she's a candidate for Geraldine's spot."

Anyone know who she is?

Update with The Answer: Her name is Katie Kadarauch and she is a candidate for the principal viola position.


  1. You are probably right. The mystery violist probably was a candidate for the principal spot. Often times orchestras will invite their final candidates for principal positions to play with the orchestra for a while.

  2. That is a good process; it's important to see how a principal-seat candidate will fit in with the orchestra. I've had a couple of people (not in the orchestra, but who are well-informed) more or less confirm that she is a candidate.

  3. Did anyone provide you with a name?

  4. No. I really ought to just write to the SFS and ask.


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