
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Review: French Classics at SFS

Reviewing San Francisco Symphony's French Classics program. Really, the hard-copy headline of Joshua Kosman's review said it all: "Next Time, More Berlioz."

I've said this before, and I'll say it again (and again and again and again): could SFS schedule Carey Bell in a clarinet concerto other than the Mozart? Great piece, yeah, but I've heard it approximately five thousands times, and it's so popular it's a KDFC staple.

I'd love to hear the Lindberg concerto again, but if not that, how about the concertos by Aho, Carter (I make myself laugh), Corigliano, Hindemith, Maconchy, Martino (triple concerto!), Musgrave, Nielsen, Penderecki, Piston, Rautavaara, Stravinsky, Takemitsu, or Tower? Yes, I did get those names from Wikipedia.


  1. I see that there were bells in that concert...but not Carey Bell!

  2. The LA Phil is doing the complete R&J Symphony over the weekend of October 22-24, Charles Dutoit conducting.

    Should be great, come on down!

  3. You actually expect creative programing?

    But thanks, Lisa: I never knew Piston had written a clarinet concerto. I'd like to hear that one.

  4. Adams ... "Gnarly Buttons"

  5. You see your wish is about to be granted, right?

  6. Unusually, I have a ticket for the Thursday afternoon performance!

  7. P. S. How'd you happen to dig up this three-year-old posting? Web search or a very long memory?


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