
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Babbitt: Music for a Mass

If you missed November's performances of Milton Babbitt's Music for a Mass by the International Orange Chorale, there's another chance:

January 30, 2011
4 p.m.
Noe Valley Ministry


  1. Babbitt is the Elliott Carter of the 20s--a remarkable output that is unique: a stochastic sludge dug up from a New Orleans brothel with a hint of sarcasm and playfulness, which is, in turn, fractal and coherent in a way that makes Plinko (from the Price Is Right) blush.

  2. Do you mean "of the 1920s"? :) Babbitt is a few years younger than Carter; still around but not seen much these days.

  3. That was one of the oddest comments I've ever read. Not to say it wasn't fun.


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