
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Buy Google eBooks from an Independent Bookstore!

Want electronic books from a source other than Amazon? Want a small, independent bookstore to get a cut of your purchase?

Google eBooks are available from various independent bookstores. One of them is my local bookstore, Laurel Bookstore! If you're thinking of buying Google eBooks, consider buying through Laurel. Start right here.


  1. No, I do not want ebooks from someplace other than Amazon. I do not want ebooks. I am not paying $120 for a device that will give me the pribilege of spending $15 to download a book I can buy at my favotie used bookstore for two bucks.Grrr.

  2. it's possible to read eBooks on the computer you already have and on smartphones (iPhone, Android) by downloading free software. Expensive ereaders are not the only option. Also, there are tons of public domain books available electronically for free.


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