
Monday, March 26, 2012

Machine Repurposed?

La Cieca hears that Robert Lepage may be directing Messiaen's St. Francois d'Assisse at the Met in a couple of seasons! Perhaps we'll see an old familiar friend on stage again! Perhaps he can duplicate the Forest Bird from his Met Siegfried for the Sermon to the Birds?


  1. Gerard Mortier's proposed 2009-10 NYCO season:

    The Rake's Progress
    Einstein on the Beach
    Nixon in China
    Death in Venice
    St. Francis of Assisi
    Makropoulos Case
    Pelléas et Mélisande
    Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny


    Gelb, of course, poached the Adams for its NY stage premiere when it was clear that Mortier was leaving. The Messiaen was supposed to be done at the Park Avenue Armory, where I saw the incredible production of Die Soldaten. The Death in Venice was to be the fantastic Deborah Warner production that I saw at ENO, which is being done in Amsterdam in June 2013. Road trip!

  2. It's the horror of Lepage getting his hands on the Ring, Ades's Tempest AND St. Francois that is making me choke.

  3. As much as I admire Messiaen’s piece I really feel that Mathis der Maler is the finer 20th century opera which should be first on the Met’s list.



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