
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Because I Needed a Change, That's Why

The hot pink got too wearing. Still fiddling with fonts, etc. and thinking about getting a graphic into the header someplace.


  1. Blogger has started automatically making blogs appear in an ugly "mobile" version on iPads and other devices. In the settings you can disable the mobile display, and then your new fonts and such will be seen!

  2. I can't speak to the Blogger default, but I explicitly enabled the Blogger mobile template a couple of years ago for usability and readability reasons. On a mobile phone screen that might be 4" in diameter max, there's a lot of side-to-side scrolling.

    Here's the blog posting from 2011 where I encouraged everybody else to do it. I care more about readability than whether readers see pretty fonts. And since I use an RSS reader, everyone I read could change their templates tomorrow and it might be months before I knew. :)

  3. Ugh, something bad happened to links. I'll be fixing that sometime today.

  4. Me too. "Wearing" is a good adjective for the discarded hot pink.

  5. RSS readers avoid that problem entirely!

  6. I like the current font a lot - very stylish.

  7. Thanks!

    Although only the header font has changed. I fiddled with different body fonts and did nothing more than up the size by one point.


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