
Monday, August 17, 2015

Touched with Moonlight

Update: If you'd to follow Heidi's blog about this recital, go here or put the URL in your RSS reader.

From soprano Heidi Moss, a lovely singer, comes news of a Lieder Alive recital she'll be giving next month with pianist Daniel Lockert. She has chosen a beautiful program that includes 19th and 20th century songs and new works by Daron Hagen, David Conte, Erling Wold, and Jacques DesJardins:
An die Nacht- Richard Strauss
An die Nacht- Jacques DesJardins (who is one of the founders of Opera Parallele)
Die Nacht- Richard Strauss

Mondnacht- Kurt Erickson
Mondnacht- Robert Schumann

Eingang-David Conte (of SFCM)
Eingang- Anton Webern

Junge Tanzerin- Omari Tao
Der Tanz (soprano part)-Franz Schubert

—brief intermission--

Standchen-Franz Schubert
Nahe des Gelibten-Henry Mollicone (renowned composer of Face on the Barroom Floor)
Nahe des Geliebten-Franz Schubert

Schlacht-das Mas-Erling Wold (This piece is almost operatic in scope, and will feature a video element)

Atem der Stauten-Daron Hagen (his operas have been performed nationally, including his recent Amelia at Seattle Opera with Nathan Gunn)
An die Musik-Franz Schubert
Finale from Richard Strauss’ Capriccio
Program details:

Sunday, September 13, 2015
5 p.m.
Noe Valley Ministry

She's also planning to blog the experience of preparing the recital; details to follow.

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