
Friday, October 16, 2015

A Friend Asks...

...what are the five greatest operas of the last 50 years? That is, since 1965.

I have a few ideas, but I also know that, owing to living and attending the opera in the US, there's a lot of good stuff I haven't seen yet. Please post your candidates - more than 5 candidates would be great! - in the comments!


  1. Adams - Nixon in China
    Heggie - Moby-Dick
    Glass - Satyagraha
    Saariaho - L'Amour du Loin
    Benjamin - Written on Skin
    Messiaen - Saint-François d’Assise

  2. Benjamin - Written on Skin (already mentioned, but it's been haunting me since I heard it on the radio)
    Ligeti - Le Grande Macabre
    Adams - Doctor Atomic
    Knussen - Where the Wild Things Are & Higglety Pigglety Pop
    Ruders - The Handmaid's Tale
    Ades - The Tempest
    Schnittke - Historia von D. Johann Fausten (the first 2 acts are a bit tough, but the end, known separately as "Faust Cantata", is a killer)

    And some other recent ones that I found very interesting
    van der Aa - Sunken Gardens
    Glanert - Caligula
    Francesconi - Quartet

  3. Well, "since 1965" leaves us with ten more years of Britten, so Death in Venice is on there...

    My other four choices:

    Nixon in China (Adams)
    Einstein on the beach (Glass)
    Le grand macabre (Ligeti)
    The knot garden (Tippett)


  4. Agree with some of the above & won't repeat. A few favorites that would be in the canon if it were up to me...

    Harrison Birtwistle/Stephen Pruslin, Punch and Judy (1968)
    Claude Vivier, Kopernikus (1980)
    Olga Neuwirth/Elfriede Jelinek, Bählamms Fest (1999)
    Brian Ferneyhough/Charles Bernstein, Shadowtime (2004)
    Unsuk Chin/David Henry Hwang, Alice in Wonderland (2007)
    Philip Glass/Peter Handke/Rainer Mennicken, Spuren der Verirrten (2013)
    Lucia Ronchetti/Ermanno Cavazzoni, Esame di mezzanotte (2015)

  5. My list includes some already mentioned:
    Il Postino (yes, I'm serious)
    Certitude and Joy
    Einstein on the Beach
    Nixon in China
    Dead Man Walking

  6. Most of those need no introduction, but I will mention that Certitude and Joy is by Erling Wold.

  7. I try to avoid lists of this kind, but there's no doubt that St. François and Einstein would be on my list if I were to make it.

  8. Thank you! And indeed - it is necessary a silly enterprise.

  9. Henze: Die Junge Lord
    Henze: The Bassarids (without the intermezzo)
    Britten: Death in Venice
    Birtwistle: The Second Mrs. Kong
    Reimann: Lear
    Birtwistle: The Mask of Orpheus
    Messaien: Saint-François d’Assise
    Saariaho: L'amour de Loin
    Ligeti: Le Grande Macabre (original version only, I don't like the revised version)
    Chin: Alice in Wonderland

  10. Einstein

    perhaps the only two post '65 operas I've seen though :-)

  11. I've heard so few compared to what I'd like to hear. But favorites of what I've heard in person, thus heavily biased to USA composers, include:

    Adams: Nixon in China
    Heggie: Dead Man Walking
    Adès: The Tempest
    Machover: VALIS
    Bernstein: Mass (best production I've heard was in an opera house)

  12. As always, it is operas I've heard live I like/remember best.

    Not mentioned before and seen twice (and would go again and agin):
    Birtwistle - Minotaur

    Already mentioned and high on my list:
    Saariaho - L'Amour du Loin
    Benjamin - Written on Skin
    Britten - Death in Venice
    Reimann - Lear

    I also enjoyed Ades The Tempest and Heggie Dead Man Walking, from recordings only.

    One I've seen that would NOT be on my list was Turnage's Anna Nicole.

    Has anyone heard Weinberg's The Passenger. I missed it when it was done at ENO but wouldn't miss it now, having heard several other pieces by Weinberg.

    Finally, once I've heard Haas's Morgen und Abend later in November, I'll know if I'd put it on the list...

  13. Einstein, Francois, Death in Venice, L'Amour, and then either Macabre or Nixon. This is hard - and fun.

  14. Lucier: I am sitting in a room
    Ashley: Atalanta
    Oliveros: Crow
    Kondo: Hagoromo
    Cage: Europeras 1 & 2
    Feldman: Neither

    (I included six, in case you don't accept my argument that I am sitting in a room is an opera.)

  15. Besides some already mentioned, here are a couple I've seen that I'd go see again:

    Penderecki: The Devils of Loudun (saw the American premiere in Santa Fe; would like to see the revised version)

    Berio: Opera (also at Santa Fe - what a night that was!!! An enraged audience member near me stood on her seat during intermission and starting screaming stuff in German. I never did figure out whether she was an intentional part of the opera or not - it was that kind of experience.)

    Known from recordings -

    Ashley: Improvement

    Ginastera: Bomarzo

    I only know Per Norgard's orchestral works, but based on them, I can make an educated guess that his operas must be wonderful music, at the very least.


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