
Friday, October 30, 2015


Over the summer, I saw Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen, Tristan und Isolde, Flying Dutchman, and Lohengrin. Tomorrow is the Met HD broadcast of Tannhauser. Next month, SF Opera's Meistersinger.

Something is missing!

Operabase to the rescue:

No North American performances this season - too bad! The Bueno Aires run is too soon and airfares to Argentina are high.

However, Norwegian Airlines has flights from Oakland to Stockholm for under $300 one way, and the cast there includes Swedes Katarina Dalayman and Peter Mattei. Supertitles in Swedish!


  1. I think "Meistersinger" is a very flawed opera on a musical level. (And Act 3 could easily lose about 45 minutes)

  2. That's a little odd, SFO hasn't done Parsifal since 2000, when they staged the ghastly Lenhoff production. I was glad to hear Kurt Moll in person before he retired though.

  3. NY Bookfile, I once saw a reduced-orchestra, cut version of Meistersinger that was maybe 90 minutes shorter than the original, and it was vastly more effective.

    Henry, I loved that Parsifal! Moll was, indeed, awesome.

  4. Whoa -- Stockholm production is by Christoph Loy, with Michael Weinius, winner of the 2013 (?) Wagner Competition in Seattle--I last heard him as Scarpia at Folkoperan, before his big change. And the Voice from Above is currently singing Maddalena at the Met.

    I am so there...

    Kungliga Operan is charming. You can probably still admire Birgit Nilsson's Brunhild helmut.

  5. I didn't go to Tannhauser today after all (needed the sleep more than the opera...), but still thinking somewhat seriously about 10 days in Stockholm.

  6. 10 days in winter in Stockholm (a town I love) might be a bit long, but the Norwegian National Opera & Ballet is also worth a visit--a wonderful hall, though you need to pick casts carefully. TRAVIATA in February is a house cast, and I'm not fond of Tatjana Gurbaça as a director (based on a single BALLO). More interesting, perhaps, though I know nothing beyond the website description, is a new opera, ELYSIUM, by Rolf Wallin, premiering in March. David Poutney directs and Audrey Luna is the wife, which tells you something right there.

    Folkoperan usually has a show during the winter-spring period, but there's nothing about their next production on their website, which is typical for them. (currently playing: TRAVIATA, set in a 21st c. brothel, looks R-17 if not X rated)


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