
Saturday, October 03, 2015


I opened the season brochure for Symphony Silicon Valley and found a program called Prokofiev & Sinfonietta, but the composer of the Sinfonietta was listed as...well, see the scan:

Janácfi? What? 

The description sure sounds like the great Janacek Sinfonietta: blazing brass, indeed. The piece calls for 4 horns, 9 trumpets in C, 3 trumpets in F, 2 bass trumpets, 4 trombones, 2 euphoniums, and a tuba.

Aaaaaand the web site has it right: Janáček. Looks like the graphic designer didn't know a hacek from whatever the heck is over the c in the brochure - but how many people did this little goof get past to make it into print?

That said, I'm putting this concert on my calendar. Whatever the Martinù is, I'll enjoy it; I'll enjoy the Prokofiev, and hey, you don't get to hear the Sinfonietta very often owing to the cost of hiring all the extra brass.


  1. SSV at its best is a very good orchestra indeed. They're not always at their best, but I hope you will find this concert worth the trouble. It's certainly on my calendar.

  2. I definitely plan to go! Even a "not at their best" Sinfonietta is worth the trip.

  3. We try hard to be at our best ... really!

    Of course reviewers are always at their best! ;-)

    Sorry ... just had to. Because, well, I'm old and nothing matters any more, least of all what anyone says about me. Heck, I might be dead by then anyway!


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