
Thursday, October 08, 2015

Spirited Light: Sacred Music for the New Millenium

That's the title of an upcoming program by North Star Vocal Artists, led by Sanford Dole. It'll be performed in SF and points north later this month and in early November.

The program includes works by Einojuhani Rautavaara, Frank Ferko, Jake Runestad, Ivo Antognini, Sanford Dole, Ola Gjeilo, Joseph Gregorio, Pavel Lukaszewski, and Roxanna Panufnik, a great lineup in my book.

Dates & locations:

Friday, October 30, at 8:00pm
St. Gregory of Nyssa Church, 500 DeHaro Street, San Francisco

Sunday, November 1, at 4:00pm
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 16290 Arnold Drive, Sonoma

Saturday, November 7, at 8:00pm
First Presbyterian Church, 1510 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael

Sunday, November 8, at 4:00pm
Paul Mahder Gallery, 222 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg


  1. Pssst -- it's North Star, not North Start. (no need to publish this comment!)

  2. Published, owing to the fact that I screen for the comment author only and then hit Publish. :)


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