
Thursday, October 19, 2017

California Symphony Gets it Right

I've got an email in my inbox that I had to read twice, but now I see that the California Symphony is making correct use of "emerging." The layout made it a little non-obvious that what they are getting at is that their past support of young composers has been enormously valuable.

Composers they've presented when they were still young include Pulitzer Prize winner Kevin Puts, Mason Bates, who has quite a booming career, Christopher Theofanidis (same), Katherine Balch, and others whose work I am completely unfamiliar with.

They further note that six of eight alumni of their Young American Composer-in-Residence program have gone on to win the Rome Prize.

If you want to donate to their ongoing efforts, you can do so; just click right here.

Keep up the good work, California Symphony. New works are the lifeblood of the future.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard them play a guitar concerto and a cello concerto - both commissioned - by Dan Visconti, latest alumnus of this program, and they were both fine pieces of music: thoughtful and not off-putting, and more serious and hefty than anything by Visconti I'd previously heard.


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