
Monday, July 15, 2024

Michael Cavanagh

Irene Roberts (Dorabella), Nicole Heaston (Despina), Nicole Cabell (Fiordaligi)
Cosi fan tutte, November, 2021
Photo: Cory Weaver, courtesy of San Francisco Opera

Michael Cavanagh, who directed seven San Francisco Opera productions between 2012 and 2022, died on March 13, 2024. He was 62 and died of leptomeningeal cancer. This news didn't get a lot of attention in the Bay Area, because it dropped the day before the disastrous news that Esa-Pekka Salonen would be leaving the San Francisco Symphony.

Here's what Cavanagh directed at SFO:

John Adams’ NIXON IN CHINA (2011-12 season) – San Francisco Opera premiere

7 performances; opened June 8, 2012


Carlisle Floyd’s SUSANNAH (2014-15 season) – New Production

5 performances; opened September 6, 2014


Donizetti’s LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR (2015-16 season) – New Production

7 performances; opened October 8, 2015


Ana Sokolović’s SVADBA-WEDDING (2015-16 season) - SF Opera Lab premiere

7 performances; opened April 2, 2016


Mozart’s THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO (2019-20 season) – New Production, *Mozart-Da Ponte Trilogy

8 performances, opened October 11, 2019


Mozart’s COSI FAN TUTTE (2021-22 season) – New Production, *Mozart-Da Ponte Trilogy

5 performances; opened November 21, 2021


Mozart’s DON GIOVANNI (2021-22 season) – New Production, *Mozart-Da Ponte Trilogy

8 performances; opened June 4, 2022

I missed Susannah, because I had pneumonia that year, but I saw the rest. I thought that The Marriage of Figargo and Don Giovanni had significant flaws, but the other productions were all excellent, and Cosi was among the greatest productions I have ever seen, sly, human, very funny, and with the ambiguity the opera demands. RIP, Michael Cavanagh.

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