
Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Quality of NY Times Reporting

I see a lot of complaining, much of it righteous, about the quality of NY Times reporting on politics and particularly the presidential election. There was that full-court press to get Biden to step aside; there's the constant normalizing of Trump's behavior and speeches even when he is outrageous and incoherent. And there there are specific stories that leave me pounding the table.

For example, take Jennifer Medina's story of August 22, Are Voters Ready to Elect a Woman? Democrats Say They Have No Doubt (gift link). Well, gosh. Medina goes into all kinds of twists and turns about why or why not this year is different from 2016.

What she doesn't mention: Hillary Clinton got three million votes more than Donald Trump. Americans were ready to elect a woman eight years ago. It's only the ridiculous and undemocratic Electoral College that kept her out of office. In any other country, she would have been elected president.

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