I heard on Facebook that dates have been announced for Stuart Skelton to take on the summit of tenor roles, Tristan, at Sydney Symphony. I heard this from the tenor himself!
So I went to the Sydney Symphony web site, where I found out a couple of things:
- To see their season brochure PDF, you have to register.
- Their search box doesn't work.
I typed Tristan into the search box. The only result was a gala concert that includes (or included) the Tristan prelude.
So I tried clicking Special Events, and lo! I found the two scheduled performances:
Tristan und Isolde
Robertson conducts an Opera in the Concert Hall
Sat 20 Jun, Mon 22 Jun 6pm
WAGNER Tristan und Isole
David Robertson conductor
Christine Brewer soprano (Isolde)
Stuart Skelton tenor (Tristan)
Katarina Karnéus mezzo-soprano (Brangäne)
Derek Welton bass-baritone (Kurwenal)
Stephen Milling bass (King Marke)
Sydney Philharmonia Choirs
S Katy Tucker visual enhancements
That's a good cast, but whether I attend depends on whether I have Bayreuth tickets. And you could say that I'm hoping to see this particular tenor in a staged performance, perhaps a little closer to home.
We shared unfettered access to the season brochure on both Facebook and Twitter during the launch event in our Monday night : http://bit.ly/SSO2015Brochure
Huh. Thank you. It is coming up fine at home, now.
Yesterday, at work, I clicked the link from Stuart's FB posting. The brochure came up in the browser, but could not be navigated. That's why I went directly to the orchestra web site.
Now I'm thinking it might be a browser issue. (It is not possible that my employer is blocking access.) I was using FireFox for my personal stuff. I just clicked Stuart's link in Chrome and the brochure came up and is navigable.
It's a separate issue, but I hate this kind of embedded brochure, which isn't really web-friendly. Give me HTML any day!
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