Monday, May 27, 2024

Breaking News from San Francisco Opera

War Memorial Opera House
Photo by Lisa Hirsch

Well, not exactly, since there isn't a press release yet. What we have, though, is an article from The Guardian. The article starts by discussing John Berry, former artistic director of the English National Opera, but as it progress, it turns out that he's developing an opera about the opiod crisis, and eventuall you learn that Missy Mazzoli, composer of the magnificent Breaking the Waves, is writing the music to a story by Karen Russell and Royce Vavrek. Vavrek was the librettist for both Breaking the Waves and Du Yun's Pulitzer Prize-winning opera Angel's Bone.

And even deeper in the article, you learn that the San Francisco Opera is among the commissions of the new opera. It will have its premiere in 2026, though it's not clear from the article where the first performances will take place.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Radio Silence About to Break

Ahem. Apologies for my long absence and continued failure to comment on, er, important recent events, some having to do with music directors on both sides of the Bay, others, well, I will get to them.

I've just been through the last several months of an enormous documentation project at my day job, but the worst is now behind me: we published the documents on Thursday.

So regular blogging should resume this weekend.