
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Second Bride of Lammermoor

©Cory Weaver/San Francisco Opera

Albina Shagimuratova, currently scheduled to appear* as the Queen of the Night in The Magic Flute, will sing the title role in tonight's final performance of San Francisco Opera's Lucia di Lammermoor, replacing Nadine Sierra, who is ill.

* Shagimuratova has missed the first three Flute performances. Presumably she will be singing going forward, since she is well enough for tonight's Lucia.


  1. Shouldn't you say that Albina Shagimova is currently NOT appearing as The Queen of the Night? She did not appear opening night, Sunday afternoon, or last night (Tuesday). The cast change insert said she was ill. If she is ill, how can she sing Lucia?

  2. Ahaha! I guess I do, which I did not know until AFTER I published this blog post. Corrections coming, thanks!


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