Thursday, July 04, 2024

Salonen Conducts Mahler 3rd at SFS

San Francisco Symphony Program
Black & white photo of Esa-Pekka Salonen conducting. 
Probably a rehearsal because he's wearing a t-shirt.
Photo: probably Minna Hatinen; the style matches her other photos of him

  • Lisa Hirsch, SF Chronicle. In which San Francisco Symphony learns that all publicity is not good publicity. It is ham-handed to make threats against a 30-year-plus patron. They could have written a slightly sheepish request, but decided that a threat was the right way to go. Also, the bylaws don't specifically forbid signs in the hall, and I've seen quite a few recently. 
    • David Bratman, SFCV
    • Steve Winn, Musical America (paywalled; no link)


    JSC said...

    Speaking of the SFS, Salonen and Mahler, I was shocked to see subcriber-priced tickets for the 2025 Mahler 2 are $135 for the 2nd tier. I was at the 2022 Salonen Mahler 2 program that also included a world premiere of another piece in the first half and my ticket was $25. I wrote to ask about the exorbitant price increase and was told it was due to "dynamic pricing". I wanted to take a friend to that concert but can't at that price. :-\

    Lisa Hirsch said...

    Yiiiiikes. And those prices will just go up until next June, unfortunately. I heard reports of $300 for MTT's LvB 9 last fall.

    What are the prices like for the Dress Rehearsal?

    JSC said...

    The rehearsal tickets for it are $35-$45 but on a Thursday morning when I work.

    Another friend got us tickets to that MTT Beethoven 9 last fall and they were around $55 I think, without my subscriber discount. I am suspecting the Salonen Mahler 2 is so pricy due to it (potentially/probably) being his farewell so it will be in high demand. Even Yuja Wang has not been that expensive when I have added her into my subscription package.