
Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Schoenberg Series at The Hillside Club, Berkeley

Jonathan Khuner, music director of West Edge Opera, has put together a five-part lecture/recital on Arnold Schoenberg at Berkeley's Hillside Club, starting on September 1, 2024. Here are the programs:

Sunday, Sept. Ist at 3pm - - Recital/Lecture 1: Piano Works

Jonathan Khuner

Saturday, Sept. 7th at 7pm - - Recital/Lecture 2: Songs

Charlotte Khuner and Jonathan Khuner/Lecturer

Sunday, Sept. 15th at 7pm - - Recital/Lecture 3: Chamber Music

Earplay New Music Ensemble, Bruce Bennett Lecturer

Sunday, Sept. 22nd at 7pm -Recital/Lecture 5: Choral Works

Voices of Silicon Valley, Cyril Deaconoff Director/Lecturer

Sunday, Sept. 29th at 7pm -Recital/Lecture 5: Cabaret

Nikki Einfeld, Left Coast Ensemble, Matilda Hofman Director/Lecturer

You can get tickets from Allevents. $60 general administion, $40 seniors/students, free to Hillside Club members. Those prices are for the entire series! Even if you can't get to all of them, that is a bargain.

You'll have noticed that Schoenberg, an immensely important 20th c. composer, hasn't gotten a lot of love in the Bay Area this year, the 150th anniversary of his birth. West Edge and SF Symphony have both staged his monodrama Erwartung. The San Francisco Contemporary Music Players did a pair of concerts about Pierrot Lunaire and its influence. Left Coast Chamber Ensemble (see above) is also performing Pierrot later this year. The LA Phil is performing Gurrelieder twice in December (Zubin Mehta conducts).

I doubt that I can get to all of these programs, but I'm going to try to get to what I can.


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