
Tuesday, August 06, 2024

The Real Reason Things are Going So Well for the Democrats.

On July 6, I bought a "Dems in Disarray" t-shirt.

I did, really! But seriously, it has been amazing to see how fast the Democrats have come together behind Kamala Harris and just-announced VP candidate Tim Walz (pronounced walls, not waltz, and there go all of my good musical jokes), and how much money has been thrown at the campaign. ($300 million?!?!) It is just over two weeks since Biden stepped down.

Harris and Walz go together well, and as someone on xTwitter said, "It's the fun aunt/supportive Dad ticket versus the creepy uncles you can't be left alone with ticket." Right she is, although I might have said the Mamaleh/supportive Dad ticket! The Emhoffs are very, very clear that Harris is one of Ella and Cole's parents.

I missed her speech today, but caught his, and nearly fell on the floor when he said the word "couch." The two of them will just shred the creepy uncles if they debate.


  1. "Mamaleh" has had me giggling for weeks -- probably the only Sanskrit/Yiddish pun in existence.

  2. I did not realize the Sanskrit part! Say more?

  3. Kamala means lotus in Sanskrit. Very traditional Indian name. (I learned this from secondary sources, of course, not from any actual knowledge of Sanskrit.)

  4. Slaps forehead - that should have been obvious!

  5. Some decades ago my community chorus was learning a spiritual, arranged in the old Hall Johnson Choir style, with the final chord marked "sfz-p-cresc-ff". A chorus friend referred to this dynamic as a "shvartzando". I've been on the lookout ever since for another such bilingual gag, and now we have one.


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