Wednesday, May 22, 2013

End of the World

Jane  Eaglen comes in for a lot of stick around the operatic blogosphere, mostly from people who've forgotten that she could really sing. Here she is with the Immolation at the Levine 25th anniversary gala in 1996.

Greatest performance of this I've ever heard? No, that would be one of the Flagstag/Furtwangler performances, but damn good.


Vajra said...

She was also one of the most amazing Brunhildas ever. The tenderness of her love for her father, Wotan, was so touching it brought tears to my eyes. A truly exquisite voice.

Lisa Hirsch said...

Always nice to know she still has a fan club!

I was lucky enough to see her Isolde in 1998 and 99. The '98, with the fabulous Zambello production, was impassioned and very well sung.