Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Just Stop.

People (pundits, the media, randos on Twitter) are already counting major Democratic presidential candidates out, after the awarding of, what, 24 delegates in NH and 41 in Iowa, when you need 1991 to win the nomination and after one caucus and one primary in tiny, disproportionately white states.

Just stop this.

Also, take note of the fact that in NH, it appears that the three moderates (Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, 155,456) won 50% more votes, together, than Sanders and Warren (103,100). Where are the votes of Steyer, Yang, Gabbard, etc. going to coalesce as they drop out? For that matter, where will all of the moderate votes coalesce?

We'll know a lot more after Super Tuesday.

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