Thursday, April 30, 2020

On One Hand

On the one hand, claims that the Federal government and White House did everything right.

On the other, the White House ignored warnings from various agencies, starting in January, 30 million people are out of work, and of course, we have as many dead Americans since early March as in the entire Vietnam War.


Geo. said...

But remember this bit from the NYT article (my emphasis):

"But Mr. Tr-mp has demonstrated a striking tendency to try to frame the political narrative on his own terms, even when at variance with the facts, through relentless repetition and the power of his bully pulpit.

While making no criminal accusations last year against Mr. Tr-mp, the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III pointedly said his report “does not exonerate” the president. Nonetheless, Mr. Tr-mp declared so many times that it did that 35 percent of the public believed that Mr. Mueller had exonerated him, according to one poll, mainly the core supporters who matter to him most."

In other words, Tr-mp lies, and repeats his Big Lies, shamelessly and repeatedly through his teeth to convince the solid 35%-40% of Americans who will believe his lies, no matter what. And that 35%-40% will vote for him, no matter what. And they will not be swayed by facts or reality, no matter what.

Therefore, it is incumbent (no pun intended) on enough of us in the remaining 60%-65% to vote for the Democratic POTUS nominee in November, no matter what, no matter whom it is.
* Even if that Democratic nominee is someone whom you don't like 100%.
* Even if that Democratic nominee is not your first choice.
* Even if that Democratic nominee has flaws, which pale and shrink to nothing before the infinite litany of Tr-mp's awfulness.
* Even if that Democratic nominee is Biden.

So everyone who reads this, repeat after me:
* I will vote for Biden this November no matter what.
* I will vote for Biden this November no matter what.
* I will vote for Biden this November no matter what.
* I will vote for Biden this November no matter what.

Because if people do not vote for Biden, no matter what, we get 4 more years of the Tr-mp horror show that will play out for decades to come in its aftereffects, beyond the effects that we're dealing with now. Individual conscience or "purity" does not matter. The greater good of the country as a whole is what matters.

Lisa Hirsch said...

Exactly right. Biden was far down my list of preferred Democratic nominees, owing to some terrible, terrible votes and policies he supported, but I am voting for him! Getting 45 out of office and returning to competent, honest government is the most important thing in US politics right now.