Thursday, November 26, 2020

And While We're At It

 Fuck the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision to define religious freedom as permitting large gatherings during a pandemic; that is, it's fine that your right to freely practice your religion might spread a disease that can kill you or severely damage your health.

There are literally centuries of history of the government taking action to protect people during epidemics and pandemics. It's nothing new and people haven't been getting away with these garbage arguments about religious freedom.

I'd say that there is something wrong with clergy who think it's more important to have large gatherings than to protect their congregations from COVID-19. If there's a god, or if there are gods, I doubt that he, she, or they want their followers to die from the act of worship. If you think that your god only hears your prayers if you say them in a room with many people.....I must ask, why do you think that your god lacks concern for your personal health and wellbeing?

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