Sunday, June 02, 2024

Retirements at San Francisco Symphony

Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall
Photo by Lisa Hirsch

Five musicians with more than 180 collective years of playing in the orchestra are retiring at the end of the 2024-25 season. They are:
  • Nadya Tichman, 44 years; violinist and former Associate Concertmaster, also acting concertmaster 1998-2001
  • Steven Dibner, 41 years; Associate Principal Bassoon
  • Amy Hiraga, 26 years; violinist. Note that Hiraga won two auditions to SFS. She played for one year, moved back to NYC, then returned in 1999.
  • Jill Rachuy Brindel, 44 years; cellist.
  • Peter Wyrick, 28 years, Associate Principal Cello from 1999 to 2023. He won two auditions. He played for three season, then returned to NYC, and came back to SFS in 1999.  (If this sounds familiar...Hiraga and Wyrick are married.)

More auditions coming, of course. The orchestra is becoming less MTT's and more Salonen's.


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