Sunday, September 06, 2020

Sound Expertise

 My big accomplishment for the weekend - it is like a blast furnace here in Oakland, CA - has been a partial catch-up on musicologist Will Robin's new-ish podcast, Sound Expertise. He has so far hosted a varied roster of experts in many fields:

So far, I've heard Alex Ross discussing his forthcoming book, Wagnerism, which will be published on September 15; Micaela Baranello on the development of Silver Age Viennese operetta; and Jesse Rodin on Josquin and the music of the long 15th century. I started with these three because I am somewhat acquainted with each. I could honestly listen to them all for hours, and Jesse Rodin's interview reminded me strongly of an alternate timeline for my life, the one where I wound up a scholar of Renaissance music.

On to the other podcasts!

(The links above are all live, but the interview with George Lewis is on the podcast's home page, so it will eventually move to a more specific URL.)

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