Thursday, September 19, 2024

Adriana Mater

Cover art c/o Deutsche Grammophon
Black & white photo of Kaija Saariaho
Text on photo:
Kaija Saariaho
Adriana Mater
Esa-Pekka Salonen
Fleur Barron Axelle Fano Nicholas Phan  Christopher Purves
San Francisco Symphony    San Francisco Symphony Chorus
DG logo

The world premiere recording of Kaija Saariaho's Adriana Mater was released a few weeks ago by Deutsche Grammophon. It's drawn from performances at the San Francisco Symphony in June, 2023, just days after Saariaho's death from glioblastoma. The performers are listed above in my description of the artwork accompanying the release; I think that alt text doesn't actually work on Blogger.

The performances were a deeply emotional event for the performers and director Peter Sellars. Salonen and Saariaho had been friends since their school days and Sellars directed the premieres of her first two operas, L'amour de loin and Adriana

The recording is currently available only as a download, but physical media will become available next year.


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