Tuesday, April 07, 2009


At the Ades/classical guys concert the other night, the program indicated that there would be a Q&A session after the concert with Gaffigan and Josefowicz. We went downstairs and into the orchestra section, only to find that the program contained a "misprint." Okay, I don't call the inclusion of four incorrect lines of type a "misprint," I call it an "editorial mistake," but I was disappointed - because, for once, I had a question.

"Ms. Josefowicz, have you played Saariaho's Graal Theatre, and would you consider a program of Concentric Paths and Graal Theatre to be something you'd attempt?"

Those pieces would make one great pairing. If you don't believe me, get the $3.97 Amazon download of Concentric Paths and one of the two recordings of Graal Theatre.

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