Monday, January 17, 2011

Rolling of the Eyes

For the record, A.C. Douglas gets it wrong: I did not post his comment, then delete it and repost an edited version, in order to put on a show or have a fit of pique. I assume that he's attributing to me what he would have done in my place.

What actually happened was that I was out running errands, saw the comment come into email (smartphone, yes), and clicked the Publish link without reading the comment carefully enough. Twenty minutes later I checked it again, saw the name-calling, and thought "Oh, shit." I deleted and republished when I got home. It's that simple: reading too fast and following the usual routine.

It's nice that he's gotten some supportive email. I have too. :)

And it's fine that he's not posting further comments here. His stance a few years ago was that he doesn't have comments on his blog because he claimed that bloggers should reply on their blogs, not in comments. This hasn't kept him from taking advantage of others' comment sections while keeping comments disabled his own blog. Make what you will of that.


John Marcher said...

And he didn't even link to me! ;)

BGabor said...

ACD, like Norman Lebrecht, can be fun to read, but fun to read in the same way that supermarket tabloids used to be fun to read. ACD has a small repertoire of opinions that repeat themselves with some regularity and can be amusing on the first go-round for their ill-informed oddity and Lebrecht long ago abandoned serious writing about music for gossip about classical music management. Let's not confuse what is written in either place with anything serious or substantial about music.

Lisa Hirsch said...

Ha, that is a helpful comment - though I have to wonder whether I myself repeat myself regularly. I try not to, but....

Anonymous said...


"ACD, like Norman Lebrecht, can be fun to read, but fun to read in the same way that supermarket tabloids used to be fun to read. ACD has a small repertoire of opinions that repeat themselves with some regularity and can be amusing on the first go-round for their ill-informed oddity and Lebrecht long ago abandoned serious writing about music for gossip about classical music management. Let's not confuse what is written in either place with anything serious or substantial about music..."

Although I only agree with him about half the time, ACDouglas is still my favourite cultural commentator who remains at the top of my RSS Feed. His blog entries are invariably stimulating.

Even Alex Ross refers to him as 'the mandarin blogger'

Yes, at times he can come across as an old fogey but is this delightfully articulate person really that bad?

Lisa Hirsch said...

Delightfully articulate? Is that what you call taking 80 words to say what most people can say in 20? And for someone who argues by assertion rather than specifics?